Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's been a very long week...

I got this in an email a while ago and sent it to my mom, she sent it back to me today as a reminder and it couldn't have come at a better time as it has been quite the week...

PARENT - Job Description

This is hysterical. If it had been

presented this way,
I don't believe any of us would have done it!!!!


Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma
Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa, Pop


Long term, team players needed, for challenging, permanent work in an
often chaotic environment.
Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills

an d be willing to work variable hours,
which will include evenings and weekends
and frequent 24 hour shifts on call.
Some overnight travel required, including

trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments
in far away cities!
Travel expenses not reimbursed.
Extensive courier duties also required.


The rest of your life.
Must be willing to be hated, at least

temporarily, until someone needs $5.
Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly.
Also, must possess the physical stamina of a
pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60

mph in three seconds flat in case, this time,
the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf.
Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers.
Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars

and coordinate production of multiple
homework projects.
Must have ability to plan and organize

social gatherings for clients of all ages
and mental outlooks.
Must be a willing to be indispensable one minute, an embarrassment the next.
Must handle assembly and product safety

testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys,
and battery operated devices.
Must always hope for the best but be

prepared for the worst.
Must assume final, complete accountability

for the quality of the end product.
Responsibilities also include floor

maintenance and janitorial work
throughout the facility.


Your job is to remain in the same position

for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that
those in your charge can ultimately surpass you.


None required unfortunately.
On-the-job training offered on a

continually exhausting basis.


Get this! You pay them!
Offering frequent raises and bonuses.
A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that college will

help them become financially independent.
When you die, you give them whatever is left.
The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish
you could only do more.


While no health or dental insurance, no pension,
no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and
no stock options are offered; this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth, unconditional love, and free hugs and kisses for life if you play your cards right.

Forward this on to all the
PARENTS you know, in appreciation for everything they do on a daily basis, letting them know they are appreciated
for the fabulous job they do...
or forward with l ove to anyone thinking of applying for the job.


I'm not entirely sure what I was thinking when I decided that taking full time classes when I was due in the middle of the term was a good idea, or even a sane idea for that matter. It is now Sunday night and I have had since last Sunday to do my homework for econ and family studies, leave it to me to just have finished it about 10 minutes ago. The sad part is that it wasn't due to procrastination, it was due to sheer lack of time. Whoever said that newborns eat 8-12 times today clearly never met Carson, he nurses a minimum of 15 times per day (seriously) and usually closer to 18 or so. He also likes to have marathon nursing sessions about 5 or 6 times a day where he nurses for an hour straight, then rests for 20 minutes and nurses for another 45 minutes to an hour, it is amazing that I ever get anything accomplished. This blog, for instance, has taken me 2 days so far to write out because the second I start doing anything Carson wakes up.

In my flat pattern class for our final project we had to create a design and make the pattern for it, we then get assigned someone else's pattern to actually sew, well today we gt our assigned patterns and I must say (and seriously I'm not trying to be conceited) that sometimes I really hate being good at my major. I got assigned a pretty difficult pattern that has a lot of corrections that I need to make before I sew because that pattern was done incorrectly, our teacher told me "It is one of the hardest ones and has a bit of a mess to fix, but I think you're one of the people who can handle it." which is totally a compliment that she thinks I can do it, I just have no idea when I'm going to find the time...Hopefully Carson will be occupied with my mom on Thanksgiving for long enough for me to get a start.

Oh yea, one more thing...I can't find the cord for my camera ANYWHERE so even though I have the most amazing picture for Carson's birth announcements (that I really need to get done soon considering he is almost a month old--crap how did he get so old already?) I have no way to get that picture onto my computer...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Carson's 2 week appointment

Carson had his 2 week appointment on Thursday, he is finally gaining back weight, but he hasn't quite made it to his birth weight yet. He was 9 lbs 3 oz at birth and lost more than the Dr. wanted him to, they most they are supposed to lose is 10% of their body weight and Carson lost 13%. He got all the way down to 7 lbs 15 1/2 oz but he is now back to 8 lbs 13 oz, woohoo! He has also grown from 20 3/4 inches at birth to 22 inches, he is tall just like Daddy. We go back this Thursday to weigh him and he will hopefully be back to birth weight by then.

He eats ALL the time, I don't think he likes for me to sleep at night. The worst part is I'm starting to see a pattern in his sleep schedule and its not a very fun pattern. He sleeps from about 9pm until 1030 or so, then he wakes up and nurses for an hour, is wide awake looking around after that until about midnight then he eats for another 45 minutes or so, awake time until 130 am then another hour of nursing....finally around 230 he goes to sleep for about an hour then he eats from 330 to 430 then sleeps for two hours (woohoo for 2 hours!) then is usually awake or eating from 630 until around 8 am, then he FINALLY goes to sleep until around 11 am or so. That is my night during the day he sleeps for 2-3 hour stretches all day so I'm not sure why he's up so often all night...I really hope he starts sleeping more soon, it doesn't seem like a newborn should be up that much.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Carson is here!

Ok, so Carson has been here for almost 2 weeks now, but I figured I may as well start at the beginning.

My water broke at 3 am on Halloween. Bryan and I drove to the hospital thinking how Carson must be my baby because he was clearly determined to come on Halloween, just like I didn't want. We checked in to the hospital and they got me all hooked up to my IV and gave me a sleeping pill hoping I would get some sleep before labor really wore me out. I was way too wired at this point to sleep, so the pill was pointless. My mom and Spencer showed up a couple of hours later so we hung out and let Bryan get a little bit of sleep.

Around noon my contractions were still only about 4 minutes apart so they hooked me up to pitocin to try to get things moving along a bit more. By 8:30 that night my contractions were coming right on top of each other so I asked to be checked. I had planned on going without an epidural but they hurt so badly that I decided I would see how far dilated i was then decide if I wanted it. I told Bryan that if I was 8 or 9 cm I would keep with the plan to not get it, but if I was only 6 or 7 I would get it because I couldn't take a whole lot more. I was only 3 cm!! So I asked for the epi. an hour and a half later the anesthesiologist finally showed up and I hardly even felt my epi because the contractions hurt so bad. I did make it 19 hours without the pain meds though.

At 5:30 am on November 1st they came to check me again. No Halloween baby for us, he just wanted to stress me out I guess. My midwife checked me and I was only 4 cm dilated after 26.5 hours in labor. She said that they would turn up the pitocin and check me again in 2 hours, if I hadn't made significant progress I would be getting a c-section. 2 hours later and labor had gone backwards, I went from a regular 4 cm to a very tight 4 cm due to swelling from Carson's head being stuck. It was time for a c-section.

Carson was born at exactly 9 am on November 1st. He weighed 9 lbs 3 oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. He is the most precious thing I have ever laid eyes on and it amazes me how much I can love someone so much that I have only just met, especially someone who keeps me up all night and screams so loudly that my ears ring : )