This is Carson's teddy bear, Teddy
Eating with Daddy
This is the Atlanta Braves Diaper I made for Carson
Angry baby! I swear, he was totally fine until I pulled out the camera, then he flipped out and wanted to be picked up! Don't worry, I picked him up as soon as I took the picture :)
Oh dang, its sideways...this is another diaper I made for him :)
This term has been the most difficult yet and I haven't had time for much of anything, least of all blogging, so here is an update on the goings on around here :)
I have officially, as of about 5 minutes ago, withdrawn from my math class. Its like a huge ball of stress has just floated away and I feel so much better about the rest of this term now. I decided to take my required math class online, as I have done with any classes possible since Carson was born, so there was less time I either had to be away from him and pump (oh how I HATE pumping) or less class I had to bring him with me to. Well it was an exceptionally bad idea to take in online. There is no homework, so your entire grade is based on 2 midterms and a final exam. Well I managed to fail the first midterm. It was the first failing grade I have ever received in my life, and I knew after finishing the exam that it was coming. I figured out that just to pass the class (passing being a C- or better because apparently D stands for failing these days, but I digress) I would need to get very close to 100% on both my second midterm and final. The likelihood of this happening is next to nothing but I already paid for the class and I didn't want to drop it and have to pay for it a second time to take it on campus, so I thought, well I *might* pass, a miracle could happen, and if I don't well then I still have to pay for it a second time. But the more I realized that there was no way in heck I was passing, and I would inevitably have to pay for it a second time, I realized that I did not want to kill my near perfect GPA with a failing grade. It feels so much better not to have that class hanging over my head anymore...even if I do still have to take it next year.
Now onto more exciting things, because lets face it, most of the you, people who read my blog, are way more interested in whats going on with Carson than with me :) And I totally understand, he's way cuter and far more exciting! He is coming up on 6 1/2 months old and still hasn't even hit the 15 lb mark. We went to his 6 month appointment on Tuesday and he is 14 lbs 13.5 oz, yea that's right, I'm counting the half ounce! He has only gained 3.5 ounces in the last month. He has fallen from the 85th% for weight at birth, to the 50th %ile from about a week old until roughly 3 months, then to around the 20-25th%ile around 4 months and is now below 10%. We're not sure why isn't gaining like he should, but we are going back in just over a month to weigh him again and reassess his weight gain. He is still consistently in the 80th% for height at 27 inches tall! We are hoping his weight gain is just due to genetics seeing as Bryan is tall and skinny too, but on average babies double their birth weight by 6 months old and for Carson that would be weighing about 18.5 lbs, which he is nowhere near.
He is also still not a sleeper, its just not happening. He wakes up hourly all night and it is pretty exhausting. We have tried just about everything we can think of/have read about/have had suggested to us, and nothing works. I'm beginning to think that he is legitimately hungry that often seeing as he is having such a hard time gaining weight.
He moves all over now, you look away for one second and he's nowhere close to where he just was and off trying to play with something else. He also learned how to reach for people so that is fun because he will reach for people to hold him. And he LOVES baby Einstein dvds, they are pretty much the best thing ever for calming him down when fussy and I watched the first signs one with him and we did sign language together, ok I did sign language for him, but its fun and I'm hoping he will learn some of the signs soon if e watch it regularly and I do them for him whenever I am doing stuff.