Saturday, April 3, 2010

Someone remind me that I'm doing this for a reason, please.

Remember that time a couple of weeks ago when I actually updated my blog after forever and a day, and then I promised to update it more frequently? Well I still promise to try to update it as often as possible, but let me tell you a little bit about my life, then maybe if I don't update it you'll understand and you won't totally be bummed that I not being a very good promise keeper.

We have officially made it through week #1 of spring term! In case you were wondering, I'm taking twenty credits. Am I crazy? Most likely. Is this going to be tough? I'm betting yes. But am I doing this for a reason? Absolutely. Before Bryan and I moved down here, I had taken some classes at both PSU and PCC, when we came here exactly none of my credits transferred as anything other than electives, of which I actually need none in my program (talk about a waste of time and money) I was able to petition a few of them and get 2 classes to count for something (that is 2 classes-6 credits-out of 12 classes and 45 credits...can't tell you how glad I am that I went to PSU and PCC...not!) so anyway between basically nothing transferring and you know, that whole throwing up ten times a day for nine months followed by having a baby during midterms (did you know that I took 2 of my midterms at the hospital, because I did!) well to be able to graduate at the end of fall term 2010, which is already later that the end spring 2010 that I had originally planned on when moving down here, well in order for me to do that, it means 20 credits this term. I'm taking 5 classes. International Business, History of Contemporary Fashion, Textile Product Quality Assurance, Advanced Apparel, and Intro to Entrepreneurship (which will be my saving grace as is is my only lower division course) Its only been one week and I'm already exhausted. I spend most of my day at school then of course I feel like I'm missing out on spending time with my baby so I've vowed to avoid homework as much as humanly possible during his waking hours so I can focus all my energy and attention on his sweet little self. I spend 24 hours a week in classes, if we add in time it takes to get to and from school plus the few times where I have breaks between classes but that I am still away from Carson, I am away from him 32 hours a week. I realize thats still 1 day short of a full time job, but they say you're supposed to spend 2-3 hours out of class for every hour in that puts me at 48-72 hours outside of class spent on homework...pfft, like that'll happen...there are only 168 hours in a week and if they want me to spend 48 hours (at a minimum) on homework, plus 24 hours in class...that doesn't leave a whole lot of time for things like playing with my kid, hanging ot with my husband, and you know all those luxurious extras like sleeping and showering, and maybe eating occasionally. Oh, and in case you didn't know I'm also participating in the spring fashion show, I have committed to do four dresses, they are due May 3rd, you know on top of the stuff that is due for my actual classes....

So if you don't see an update, know that I am studying, sewing, studying some more, taking my kid to park, hopefully sleeping every couple of days or so, or possibly passed out in my 4th cup of coffee for the day while attempting to read the 8 billionth chapter of whatever book for whatever class (I'm just hoping I don't fall asleep and the serger and slice my fingers off)

But please, if you do see me on here and I'm once again complaining about how tought this term is going to be and how tired I am and how much I wish I could spend every hour of every day with my sweet little Carson...remind that I'm thisclose, that I can't give up, and that I will be done this year! Do you know how soon that is? this year. Remind me that.


  1. Wow Steph! You are crazy! Wait, I mean, you can do it girl! So close, light at the end of the tunnel and all that stuff. Seriously, it will be so worth it. You have come so far, and I am pretty sure quit is not in your vocab. I remember I had to do student teaching my last semester of college and be away from my Dallin most of the day. It was aweful, but I couldn't spend almost 6 years working toward something and not go the distance. I know you are the same way, so I understand. Dig deep, you can do it!

  2. YOU CAN DO IT!!! think of what a good example yo are setting for your child by getting your education. That will mean so much to him when he is grown. YOU CAN DO IT!!! GO YOU!
