Thursday, November 13, 2008

Carson is here!

Ok, so Carson has been here for almost 2 weeks now, but I figured I may as well start at the beginning.

My water broke at 3 am on Halloween. Bryan and I drove to the hospital thinking how Carson must be my baby because he was clearly determined to come on Halloween, just like I didn't want. We checked in to the hospital and they got me all hooked up to my IV and gave me a sleeping pill hoping I would get some sleep before labor really wore me out. I was way too wired at this point to sleep, so the pill was pointless. My mom and Spencer showed up a couple of hours later so we hung out and let Bryan get a little bit of sleep.

Around noon my contractions were still only about 4 minutes apart so they hooked me up to pitocin to try to get things moving along a bit more. By 8:30 that night my contractions were coming right on top of each other so I asked to be checked. I had planned on going without an epidural but they hurt so badly that I decided I would see how far dilated i was then decide if I wanted it. I told Bryan that if I was 8 or 9 cm I would keep with the plan to not get it, but if I was only 6 or 7 I would get it because I couldn't take a whole lot more. I was only 3 cm!! So I asked for the epi. an hour and a half later the anesthesiologist finally showed up and I hardly even felt my epi because the contractions hurt so bad. I did make it 19 hours without the pain meds though.

At 5:30 am on November 1st they came to check me again. No Halloween baby for us, he just wanted to stress me out I guess. My midwife checked me and I was only 4 cm dilated after 26.5 hours in labor. She said that they would turn up the pitocin and check me again in 2 hours, if I hadn't made significant progress I would be getting a c-section. 2 hours later and labor had gone backwards, I went from a regular 4 cm to a very tight 4 cm due to swelling from Carson's head being stuck. It was time for a c-section.

Carson was born at exactly 9 am on November 1st. He weighed 9 lbs 3 oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. He is the most precious thing I have ever laid eyes on and it amazes me how much I can love someone so much that I have only just met, especially someone who keeps me up all night and screams so loudly that my ears ring : )

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