Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Carson is almost 2 months old!

How did that happen?

We had Carson's 2 month appointment today. He got his first set of vaccines and it was very traumatic for both of us. He cried, I cried, it pretty much sucked. He however was over it by a little while later, I'm still bummed out about it, my poor little baby just screamed and screamed. He is now 11 lbs 6 oz, right on the 50%ile for weight and 23 1/4 inches which is at the 75%ile for height. He is growing great! He wore his first 3-6 month outfit today. Everything that is 0-3 months is too small if it has feet in it and most of them are getting too short but everything 3-6 months is still basically huge. My little guy is getting so big!

We got Carson's pictures taken last week and they turned out GREAT! We got the proofs online today and I can't wait to get our actual prints and start working on his scrapbook, now if only I can find the time to do it.

Anyway, time for bed...and have a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We came up to Tigard this week to spend Christmas with our families and got snowed in. We did manage to get to the mall to take pictures with Santa for Carson's first Christmas though. He had just woken up from a nap so he was a little groggy when he met Santa, but he thought that Santa's soft fuzzy outfit was a comfy place to sit and he was quite content. We had lots of fun with my parents and Brian and Kellie on Christmas Eve and with Bryan's parents and brother on Christmas day.

On Christmas Eve I put and outfit on Carson that said "All Mommy wants for Christmas is a Silent Night" and my lovey little baby gave me the best gift ever, 6 straight hours of sleep, which was a record all in itself, then he woke up for only 15 minutes to eat then back down for a little over an hour, it was pretty much the best thing ever.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Finals are finally over!!

Bryan and I are finally finished with fall term and I am so thankful to be done and have a few weeks to just enjoy Carson without worrying about classes. Carson is getting so big already, he is up to 10 lbs 7 ounces at 6 weeks old. He has started smiling a couple of weeks ago and now he smiles lots and lots, I love it! Carson also loves his bath now, he just hates getting out. It is snowing here right now and I hope it sticks around until tomorrow so we can get Carson all bundled up and take some pictures of his first time seeing snow, even if he won't know what snow is.

Friday, December 5, 2008

A post about everything...

Seeing as I haven't had the time to blog at all lately, I thought I'd just throw everything into one giant post...

Carson is now a month old! I'm not sure how exactly that happened, but it did. He is getting so big, he now weighs 9 lbs 14 1/2 oz. He smiled for the first time on Tuesday, it absolutely melted me heart. I've yet to actually catch it on camera because I get too wrapped up in playing with him to actually take too many pictures, I tend to cherish those moments when he is happy and content and doing something other than eating or crying. We also discovered that the only way to get him to sleep at night is if he is in our bed with us. At the hospital he slept in my bed because after the c-section it was easier to just have him in my bed, apparently he got used to it. After coming home from the hospital I started taking naps with him in bed with me. I was still in a lot of pain from my c-section so having him right next to me when he woke up was just easier than having to get up every hour or 2 while I was still healing. When he was about 2 or 3 weeks old he slept in our bed for like 3 nights in a row and all three nights he slept for about 4 or 5 hours, then I started putting him in the bassinet and he stopped sleeping longer than 2 hours, but I totally didn't correlate the two things, I just thought it was a fluke that he had slept for that long those few nights. Well about 4 nights ago now I had him in the bed and I was honestly just too tired and lazy to move him once he fell asleep so I let him stay and lo and behold, he slept for 5 hours! So ever since he has been sleeping in our bed and goes for about 4-5 hours then wakes up to eat and sleeps another 2 or 3 hours, I have never been so thankful for 4 hours of consecutive sleep in my life, but I'm already dreading trying to get him out of our bed when he gets a little older but for now I'll take the sleep and deal with it when the time comes.

Thanksgiving was great! We went to my Aunt Susan's for dinner then up to my mom's for the weekend because my brother Eli, sister-in-law Jenny and niece Isabelle were in town. It was a ton of fun to get to see them and for them to meet Carson.

This week Carson and I have colds, it is no fun having a sick newborn and extra not fun to be sick myself on top of it. Today he didn't sleep longer than 20 minutes at a time all day, the poor little thing. He finally went to sleep about 3am or so, which finally gave me the chance to finish my final project for flat pattern, which was a big giant mess. I should be sleeping but seeing as when I finished the project I only had about an hour until I need to get up to get to class on time to turn it in, it seemed like sleeping for that short of a time would just make me more exhausted, but hey at least I actually had a chance to update this...right? Hopefully Carson's lack of sleep fort he last 24 hours will mean the he will be in a sleepy cuddly mood when I get home from class.