Monday, September 26, 2011

the problem with me making promises I can't keep...

See, I keep promising to blog more often, and I personally think I was doing a super awesome freaking job for like...a couple of weeks...but then this or that happens and I fail miserably at keeping said blog-updating promise.

So...due to router incompatability with my computer (apparently certain models of linksys routers are NOT compatible with certain models of mac computers) I am living without the ability to connect my computer to the internet. It is super lame.

While I'm all about new experiences and doing thing spontaneously and all of that, I have a serious aversion to change when it comes to my computer...well, certain changes anyway. I love my mac, I especially love the keyboard on my mac. I am currently posting this from Bryan's computer (which is NOT a mac...hence the internet connecting capabilities) which has a different keyboard. I'm not a happy camper. Anyway due to less available time on the internet (read: when Bryan is at work I have children to care for rather than goof around on here and when he's home..uh he likes to use his computer occasionally too...) I'll be blogging as I get the chance. This may or may not come in the form of infrequent posting, serial posting when I actually get a chance on the computer and/or spending what time I do get on the computer goofing off and getting distracted and not actually blogging.

Just thought I'd put that all out there in case anyone thought that maybe I died.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Children's Museum

Yesterday I took the boys to the children's museum with my friend Jessie and three of her kids. Carson had SO much fun! I remember going to the children's museum when I was little, and while they've definitely made some awesome improvements, there are a few things that are almost just like I remember them. It was so fun to see Carson play and do things that I remember doing there when I was little. We didn't even get a chance to do all of the exhibits because we were having such a blast and it got too late to stay any longer, but we will definitely be going back! It is so awesome to go somewhere that you have such a good time that you don't even end up seeing it all!

Playing in the bubbles out front! He was thrilled with the bubble machines. 

Playing trains!

'Uhm, Mom, why are there kids I don't know playing with things I want to play with?'...Because it is called 'sharing' that's why! I don't think he liked my answer.

Water Room!!

'Grocery shopping'

this was about when Sawyer conked out in the Beco


And where my camera died.

Thankfully Jessie also had her camera (and is a *much* better photgrapher than me!) so I'll get her photos of the rest of the trip...which included the mini rock wall/slide, fishies in a fish tank, and the theatre room!