Monday, April 30, 2012

My Baby is ONE

Ok, ok, so I'm a few days late...But my sweet little baby is one whole year old now! It is really hard to believe it has been a whole year already, it feels like just yesterday he was born. It is pretty likely that we wont have any more kids, so I'm trying so hard to cherish everything since it will probably be the last time we go through each baby stage. Sawyer is 21 lbs and 31 inches tall, which, considering his size at birth, is actually not that huge.'s Sawyer's first birthday letter. (pictures to come when I get them from my mom since I used her camera for bday pictures and not mine)

My Sweet Sawyer,

You're one now. A whole year old, even though it feels like that can't be possible. You do so many amazing things! You're probably going to give me a heart attack one of these days because you pretty much have no fear at all and climb on everything and if I thought I couldn't take my eyes off of your brother for a second at this age, I think it about triple for you. You love to watch your brother and play together. You like story time and you love when we blow bubbles out on the deck. You say Mama and you can sign for milk, more, and all done. You love when I sing itsy bitsy spider, you even do the hand motions (sort of), and you clap your hands and stomp your feet when we sing if you're happy and you know it. You love anything you can get into and make a mess of. You're in full on throw everything just to see what happens stage.

You're so smart! You figure things out so quickly and I usually only have to show you how to do something once or twice before you can do it on your own. I can't wait to see how much more you learn and grow this year. You're very opinionated for someone who doesn't know a whole lot of words yet, and you sure know how to get your point across. You've got the fire in your personality to match your hair. You love to dance and clap and laugh. You haven't quite figured out the whole sleeping through the night thing yet, I think we should work on that...just sayin'. I love you to pieces, and so do your daddy and your brother.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Oh...Hello, Internet!

Dear 3 or 4 people who actually read my blog,

I am back! I have internet again! After virtually no time spent on the computer in the past 5 months, and what little time was spent was generally paying bills and other not so exciting stuff, you have no idea how it feels to type on my very well loved macbook keyboard. The way the smooth, perfectly placed, not annoyingly not-flat, too close together keys of Bryan's PC, feel under my fingertips, it is like the computer is practically begging me to type and never stop [I don't think my kids would appreciate that, however]

Anyway, I now have real life computer internet, not stupid, crappy, doesn't-like-to-work-with-blogger internet on my phone. I'm so excited!

Anyway....I thought the 3 or you would like to know :D