Thursday, February 26, 2009

My tiny baby is getting so big!

Carson had his (almost) 4 month appointment today. He weighs in at a tiny little 13lbs 5oz (about the 20th %ile) and is 25 1/2 inches talls (80th %ile) he is still tall and skinny just like daddy. His doctor said that he is very developmentally advanced for his age and that probably has a lot to do with how skinny he is, he is just a very active little boy. He is sitting as well as at least a 5 month old, almost a 6 month old so that is super great! He is also very social now and LOVES to flirt with all the girls at school when he goes with me.

We had planned on not starting solid foods with Carson until 6 months but he has been showing all the signs of readiness lately and some babies with severe reflux like Carson's are helped by starting a little cereal. So we talked about it with his pediatrician today and decided to go ahead and start a little baby oatmeal (rice cereal unfortunately all has soy which he can't have) but don't plan on starting veggies for another month. He liked it a lot actually, which surprised me. He had a hard time keeping it in his mouth and swallowing without it coming out of his mouth so more of it ended up on him and in his little tummy but he kept lunging for the spoon for more. I'm really excited to try it again tomorrow and I can't wait until he can actually keep it in his mouth.


  1. It's so exciting when they start to eat solid foods. He is sooooooo cute!
