Saturday, June 13, 2009

It's finally Summer!

School is finally out for the Summer and it feels so nice to know that I get to spend nearly 4 months just hanging out with Carson and not having to worry about classes! Carson is learning so many new things and that is a lot of fun. He is moving all over the place, you look away for a second and he is well on his way to another room, it's pretty cute. He also loves to be standing and he can pull himself up. He has also taken a couple of wobbly steps while holding onto his crib or the coffee table.

We went to the doctor for another weight checkup on Tuesday and Carson still isn't gaining properly. He is now, at nearly 7.5 months old, only 15lbs 2.5oz. In the past 13 weeks, he has only gained a total of 8.5oz, which is barely anything for and infant. He has completely fallen off of the growth chart for weight, although he is still at the top of the charts for height at 28in. We have started supplementing with soy formula after two nursings per day to see if that will help him gain. They also ran a urine analysis to test for kidney problems that could be contributing to his low weight gain, but instead found that he has a UTI, so we are going to back in next week to test his urine again to make sure the infection is gone and to test for kidney problems. We then go back again in July to re-check his weight. We are hoping at that appointment to have significant weight gain from the help of the formula. If he is still not gaining properly then we move on to blood tests to figure out why exactly he is not gaining weight. Hopefully his appointment next week shows weight gain and no more infection, and we are really really hoping that our appointment in July shows enough weight gain to avoid blood tests, so keep your fingers crossed for us!

Thats about all that is new here for now, I'll post some new pictures just as soon as I find my camera adapter that I once again lost, I have some super cute ones of Carson's first swing ride at the park and first time in his baby pool, or rather his feet's first time in the pool as he was too freaked out to actually make is all the way in :)


  1. Yeah for no school, but :( for Carson's UTI and not weighing enough. Poor little guy. Hopefully the soy supplement works. I want to see more pictures! :)

  2. I hope he gets better quick! I was looking at Brian's pictures on facebook, and I can't believe how tall he is! Wow! I miss you guys, I hope I can see you soon! I haven't even seen little baby Carson yet! :( Hope you're all doing well!
