Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We came up to Tigard this week to spend Christmas with our families and got snowed in. We did manage to get to the mall to take pictures with Santa for Carson's first Christmas though. He had just woken up from a nap so he was a little groggy when he met Santa, but he thought that Santa's soft fuzzy outfit was a comfy place to sit and he was quite content. We had lots of fun with my parents and Brian and Kellie on Christmas Eve and with Bryan's parents and brother on Christmas day.

On Christmas Eve I put and outfit on Carson that said "All Mommy wants for Christmas is a Silent Night" and my lovey little baby gave me the best gift ever, 6 straight hours of sleep, which was a record all in itself, then he woke up for only 15 minutes to eat then back down for a little over an hour, it was pretty much the best thing ever.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!! I can't believe all that snow!!!! I knew you guys had snow, but I didn't realize there was that much!! Wow!
