Saturday, January 3, 2009

My "new" baby

For 2 months we had a non-sleeping, constantly screaming, sad, uncomfortable child 90% of the time with occasional happy times in between. On Tuesday he started taking medicine for reflux and now that the meds have kicked in he is like a whole new baby. He is happy all the time, rarely cries and when he does its because he actually needs something (food, diaper change...) not just because he is uncomfortable, and he actually sleeps now. He slept through the night last night, it was great! (ok it was a little nerve racking because he has never done that so I had to keep checking to make sure he was breathing, but I'm sure it will be great the next time) I am so happy he isn't just uncomfortable all the time, and I'm so glad to get some sleep!


  1. woohoo! I was just about to email you to ask if they were working, I guess they are : )

  2. oh man, that sounds so rough! Good thing babies are so cute and we love them so unconditionally that we go through anything and still think they are the best thing ever huh?

  3. For sure! Every time I'm just about to be in tears from lack of sleep and the fact that I just feel so bad that he feels so yucky (not to mention the giant headache from all the screaming) he just looks up with me with his big gummy smile, it's pretty much the sweetest thing ever.
