Monday, March 8, 2010

976 blog posts is 1

Ok, ok...I know, I a terrible blogger! Carson is 16 months old now, my last post was SEVEN months ago! So here's a little bit of a recap...and I promise to try to post just a little more frequently, but I can't make any guarantees...

So in the last 7 months....Bryan turned 25, I threw him a surprise party, it was fun! Carson had his first birthday, I threw another party, it was even more fun! There was Thanksgiving, Brandon and Kellin and Aiden came to visit again, Carson and Aiden had a great time together! Then there was Christmas, New Years, I turned 22...and then there was school...and more school...and even more school!

Peanut Butter Playdough
Just like lots of toddlers, my little boy who used to eat nearly anything decided that it would be more fun to just be picky and not eat hardly anything. The hardest thing to get him to eat is protein, he has eaten meat exactly once in the last month, PB&J is hit and miss, as is we were seriously lacking in the protein department. So what did we do? We made playdough! Not something I'll do on a regular basis unless I can find or come up with a less sugary recipe, but it was a super fun way to play together and get some peanut butter in Carson's tummy!

Playdough? OKAY!

I didn't just put it in my mouth Mommy!

Oh, I'm allowed to eat this playdough? YUM!

Ooooh, cookie cutter playdough!

Want to make some peanut butter playdough for your kids? It is super easy!
3 parts flour
1 part sugar
2 parts peanut butter
enough water to make it "playdough" consistency
mix it all together in a big bowl and HAVE FUN!

Bulema Redux
So remember I told you Carson was picky? Well before the no protein stage was the no veggies stage. It wasn't quite as bad as the no protein stage, he would still eat some things some times, but there was a good week or two where the ONLY way I could get the kid to eat a vegetable was to feed him morningstar veggie bites. If you don't know what those are, they basically look like chicken nuggets but instead of chicken, there is spinach and cheese inside. The only problem? There is only one place in Corvallis that sells them and after I bought both packages they carried, they didn't get any more in for weeks (and still haven't, I'm starting to think they don't make them anymore) So I decided to try to make my own. I bought a big container of spinach, I cooked a few cups of it down in a pan with just a touch of olive oil, then I mixed it with some feta and parmesean and rolled it into chicken nugget sized pieces and dipped it in egg wash and then in bread crumbs and into the oven on a cookie sheet until they were crispy. They were SO good! So why did I name them bulema redux? There are these yummy spinach and cheese filled pastry things that my grandmother makes, she taught my brother and I how to make them a couple of summers ago, they are freaking delicious, but they take all day to make, not to mention a little counter space (something for which we are seriously lacking) but these came out tasting pretty similar~not as good, but similar.


mmmm, Dinner!

Grad School
I applied for Graduate school. To get my masters degree in apparel design with an emphasis on functional apparel. I should find out any day keep your fingers crossed for me, 'kay?

Sleep, Ear Infections, Weight Gain and Finally getting some teeth!
Anyone know where I can get some? Carson is sixteen months old. A 'good' night for us is him only waking up 3-4 times, an average night is 5-6 times, and a not so great night (like last night) is every single hour....its exhausting. I get up with the baby all night, then Bryan takes him in the morning so I can get some sleep. We're both exhausted...that word doesn't even cover it. I go to school and people there talk about how they're so tired because they've been living on 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night for 3 or 4 nights, it makes me want to scream because I would all but actually kill someone for 5 consecutive hours of sleep in one night, let alone 3 or 4 nights in a row! There are plenty of nights where I'd kill just to have had more than 2 total hours of sleep by the time 5:30 or 6am rolls around and Bryan gets up with him. Oh to be lamenting over only getting 5 hours of sleep! Carson is also nearing the end of his antibiotics for his 3rd ear infection in the last 2 months...oy, poor kid got my genes on that unfortunately :( On the bright side, he has finally hit a real growth spurt! He has gained 4 lbs in the last month, grown 1.5 inches and gone up a shoe size! Take that failure to thrive! Oh and teeth, Carson finally got his second tooth on Friday. Most toddlers his age are working on their molars, but not my kid, he was rocking the toothless grin until 15 months, and even now has the same amount of teeth (or less) than the itty bitty babies in his room at daycare.

Ok, that's enough catching up for now, I need some sleep.

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