Monday, April 26, 2010

Carson Makes Me Smile

Well, most of the time anyway :) He's at this age where I don't think he got the memo that he's not 2 yet, that mommy and daddy aren't ready for 2 yet, but he seems to think he is. I keep trying to remind myself that for every time that he tells me no and screams at me or turns into a wet noodle on the floor crying, there is also a time or two (or three) that he is laughing with me and playing with me and making me smile :)

Like the other day. Carson likes to have all his ducks in a row.

And we bought him some rain boots finally (do you know how hard it is to find rain boots smaller than a size 6? Its dang near impossible!) Carson is obsessed with them. Its really cute. If he isn't wearing them he will go around the apartment saying "Boot! Boot shoe! Boot on!" until I put them on him. He also really likes to wear his jacket. A couple of days ago we were getting ready to go to the store. It was nice out so Carson was just wearing one of those shorts onsie things, you know looks like a onsie but shorts...anyway, I told him to go get his shoes and he looks at me and says "boot shoes?" like "please mommy, don't make me wear tennis shoes or sandals, I want to wear my boots!" so I said ok Carson, go get your boots, to which he replied "YEA! BOOTS!" and ran off to get them. He toddles back over to me, boots in hand and we put them on, so now I have a toddler in shorts and rain boots on the sunniest day of the year. So he knows that if I tell him to get his shoes that means we must be going somewhere (althogh he also wears his boots around the apartment frequently just because he asks to) so he hops off my lap and says "Outside! Go!" yes Carson, we'll go in just a second, mommy and daddy have to put on their shoes too. "YEA! GO!" and off to the front door he goes. So he opens the front door (thank goodness for the screen door that he can't open yet) and stands there saying "go go go" and then a few seconds later he realizes he doesn't have his coat on (even though its hot and he doesn't need it) so he comes back from the door and says "jacket" but Carson its warm out, you don't need your jacket. "JACKET! JACKET! ON! GO!" Ok Carson, I guess you can wear your jacket, and on his jacket went. So we went to the store with a baby wearing shorts, a jacket, and rain boots :)

Someone point me in the direction of this post when Carson is on my very last nerve because he's having a melt down for no reason and throwing a temper tantrum because well, he's a toddler and they do that sometimes....

Someone showed me this video awhile ago, its fitting I think :)

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