Sunday, July 19, 2009

Holy Poop!

This is Carson's new friend Bridget, he stole the cell phone from her...He likes her :)

No seriously, holy freaking poop! Carson wears mostly cloth diapers, although I do use disposables occasionally. Carson has never had a poop leak in cloth, and has only had wet leaks maybe 3 times, he has however, blown out of disposables PLENTY of times, but last night, oh it tops them all.

Carson was playing on the floor with his toys, I went into the other room where it was quiet to speak with a daycare provider, and Bryan was keeping an eye on the baby. Bryan thought Carson pooped, he checked his dipe and nothing, so he put him back down to play. Well he looked away for just a few seconds, then all of a sudden I hear "honey come here" followed by "oh my gosh Carson!!!" Thinking I may be missing some huge event (like perhaps first steps, we're thisclose to them) I ask the woman I am on the phone with to hold on a sec and go to see whats up. Carson is covered in poop! Thank goodness it was hot and he was playing in only a diaper, I can't imagine what the clothing would have looked like had he been wearing it...

There was poop on the floor that he had stepped in and smushed, poop all over the ottoman that he was PLAYING in! And the kid was covered! He had poop in his hands, poop on his tummy, poop on up and down his legs, thank goodness he didn't try to eat it! I quickly hung up the phone and we wiped of the big chunks and carried that baby straight to the bath to get hosed off and scrubbed (and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed, blech!)

Oh the joys of parenthood....

We also went up to Tigard this week, it was a lot of fun seeing everyone and we took some cute pictures! Carson had his first experience in the big bathtub instead of the baby tub and he LOVED it, he also had fun playing with his pirate bath toys, so enjoy the pictures, they are my favorites!

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