Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Holy oh my goodness Batman, I have a THREE year old!

I plan to write a letter to my kids on their birthdays each year and hope for them to read them when they're older...maybe when they have babies of their own.

To my sweet little Carson,

Today you are three, THREE!?! I can't even believe that it has been that long since you were born, it feels like yesterday. You are such a sweet little boy. Your favorite things to do are read and write, or really anything having to do with the alphabet or words, you like to color, blow bubbles and run around. You love cars and trucks and books, lots of books. You tell us constantly that Sawyer is your favorite, which is one the most special things to me. I hope you and your baby brother will continue to be great friends as you grow us, he certainly adores you just as much as you love him.

You are one of the smartest kids ever, and I'm not even saying that because I'm your mama. You are just turning three and you already know every letter of the alphabet, both upper and lowercase, and can write them all legibly. You are starting to read a bit and you can spell aloud and write a lot of words without help such as: Carson, Mommy, Daddy (except sometimes you forget and spell it Doddy), Brother, Alligator, Iguana, Goose, and lots more. You can count to twenty, and by tens all the way to 100, when you see a number bigger than 20, like 26, you say it "six-twenty" because in your sweet little head it makes sense that is 16 is "six-teen" then 26 would be "six-twenty" Every day you learn more and more and its almost like I can see the connections being made. You're amazing. You have so much potential to do so many amazing things with your life, but the biggest thing in the whole world that I want for you is that you grow up to be happy.

You have an amazing little personality. You are happy and sweet and full of so much energy and life. You're also stubborn and strong willed and want everything to happen the way you think it should...you probably got that from me. You're interested in everything, you want to know what it is and how it works and why, why, why. Sometimes being your mama is hard because you're three, one day when you have a three year old of your own you'll know why, but even at its toughest, being your mama is nothing short of amazing and wonderful and more than I could every have asked for or expected from being a mom.

You love to play with your friend Riley and your cousin Isabelle. Your favorite book is Chica Chica Boom Boom. Your favorite toys are your magna doodle and your cars. You just got your very own library card. You love the children's museum. You don't have a favorite color, if someone asks you what your favorite color is you look at your shirt and say its whatever color your shirt is because it matches and you like to match. You love going to the park, and jumping in puddles with your boots on.

Happy Birthday Bug!

1 comment:

  1. It's been a while since I've read anyone's blog, but I just read this and it was so sweet. Carson is lucky to have such an awesome mom. What a good idea to write them letters on their birthday. :) And we LOVE Carson!!
