Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Being Gluten and Dairy Free Kinda Sucks

When Carson was a baby he had a dairy intolerance, so that meant no dairy for mama because he was nursing. Eventually he grew out of it, which is great, and apparently relatively common. I got used to it after a while and it wasn't completely terrible, but that isn't to say that I wasn't totally glad to be able to eat cheese again.

Sawyer came along and for weeks he had this insane lime green poop (I know you totally wanted to know all about my kid's poop) first I thought maybe it was a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance, that can cause green poop. So I tried block feeding, but no help. So then we moved on to removal of dairy from my diet. No change in the poop, but he stopped being congested all. the. time. After a couple weeks I was thinking gee this really isn't helping and I really miss cheese. Then we had a new symptom...sandy textured lime green poop. Which can be a sign of gluten intolerance.

So away went my all my gluten filled foods. Within a few days he was showing improvement, his poop was the normal mustard yellow color you'd expect from an exclusively breastfed baby...and he started being happier about life in general. But then I reintroduced the dairy thinking it hadn't really been helping and apparently it was because then we got crabby baby with blood in his poop and never ending congestion.

So then I started no gluten and no dairy...it's been about a week and a half of being free of both things and Sawyer just laid on his play mat batting at toys and cooing for like 15 minutes straight. He's also slept a lot today, like normal 3 months old type sleep.

BUT not eating like anything totally sucks. Some things you can fake....but some things you can't. And when I made Carson a grilled cheese sandwich and it sat there and stared at me all gooey and cheese and bready and wonderful? Total suckage.

But a happy baby is totally worth it.

Do you kids have any allergies or intolerances? My friends have given me some great tips/resources for going gluten free...do you have any tips to share?

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