Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Anniversary FAIL

Today is my fifth wedding anniversary! My husband is totally awesome and I love him to pieces...but as far as anniversaries go? This one was a big huge flop. (And no, I'm not about to complain about my husband, none of the failures had anything at all to do with him)

Fail #1? The dentist. First, I should not even have to go to the dentist on my anniversary...but I did. When I was pregnant with Sawyer I ad a filling fall out, but they don't like to use novocaine in the third trimester, so I had to wait to get it fixed. I finally got it fixed 2 weeks ago...and a big old chunk of it promptly fell out a few days ago leaving a gaping hole in my mouth (awesome, huh?) So it hurt like all kinds of badly and when I called them first thing Monday morning they said I could either come in today at 7am or wait until NEXT Thursday...as in like a week and a half of pain so bad that it even hurt to drink water....so I sucked it up and went today. Apparently there was some issue with the filling stuff as I'm not the first person to come in this week for a new filling having fallen out (btw I was brushing my teeth when it fell out so it isn't like I was chewing on something I shouldn't or anything...I'm pretty sure teeth brushing is encouraged....) it is now nearing 7pm and my mouth still hurts...

Fail #2? Sleep...or lack thereof. I'm pretty sure I slept a total of about 45 minutes last night between staying up later than I should have, Sawyer being permalatched all night long, and getting up way to freaking early this morning. Thank God for Dutch Bros....although now the coffee has well worn off and I'm so exhausted I'm shaking. I need a nap.

Fail #3? Date with the husband. My good friend was babysitting for us so we could go see Harry Potter. Except that Sawyer is sort of hit or miss with the bottle...and did not take it this morning for Bryan while I was at the dentist (thankfully he only woke up a few minutes before I got home so he got mad at the bottle for 5 minutes then I was there to nurse him) but we decided to risk it (I'm now questioning why...) we saw about 45 minutes of the movie before having to come home because Sawyer was refusing the bottle....sigh. Major fail...at least as we were leaving I asked if there was anyway we could get our money back because our sitter called and we needed to go home, the lady said sure no problem and gave us our ticket money back...

After Carson goes to sleep, Bryan is going to go get us Chipotle for dinner (thank you to my in-laws for sending us money to go out to an anniversary dinner!) I'm also making him go buy me the last Harry Potter book while he's out.

Despite our anniversary's epic failures....I still love my husband more than anything, so I guess perhaps that's the point of our anniversary anyhow.....ya know, even if I'm exhausted, in pain, and haven't had an actual date with my husband in like 5 months....

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